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Rachel Lawson


Kia ora koutou,

I te taha toku Mama (on my mothers side)

Ko Maungatere te maunga (mountain)

Ko Rakahuri te awa (river)

Ko Takitimu te waka (canoe)

Ko Tuahiwi te marae

Ko Ngai Tahu te iwi

Ko Ngai Tuahuriri te hapu

Ko Tuahuriri te tangata (my ancestor)

No Taumarunui ahau (where I grew up)

Kei Ngāruawāhia te kainga (where I live now)

Ko Rachel Lawson toku ingoa.

My name is Rachel Lawson, I completed my Physiotherapist studies at Wintec Te Pukenga in 2023. I’m excited to be part of the team at Active+ Te Rapa.

I started my studies in Physiotherapy as a mature student, so I have plenty of ‘life’ experience in different vocations. My background is in the arts, sports, sales, natural health and massage. This diverse background has cultivated my commitment to helping people reach their full potential in their health and fitness goals.

My interests are in Karate, 8-ball pool and Golf. I’m a 3rd dan Black Belt in Kyokushin Karate. From 1999 – 2016 I represented New Zealand in Full contact fighting events in Japan, USA and Australia. In that time, I held New Zealand and South Pacific heavy weight titles. I currently run a Kyokushin Karate dojo in Ngāruawāhia. I’m a keen 8-ball pool player and I’ve also decided to take up Golf again this year – wish me luck as I chase the wee white ball around the large green paddock.