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- Physio Clinic Locations
Keeping your body & mind A+ View mapBOOK NOWOnline Shop
- Mt Eden
- Ellerslie
- Clinical Suite Balmoral
- Auckland Central
East Auckland
Highbrook East Tamaki- Howick
South Auckland
Airport Oaks- Papakura - Counties Care
- Pukekohe
- Taupo
- Turangi
- Rotorua
Hāwera- New Plymouth
- Ōpunake
Manawatu - Whanganui
Feilding- Marton
- Palmerston North
- Whanganui
Auckland Central
Bay RoskillWaikato
Hamilton - Te Rapa - Blog
- About Active+
- About Active+
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- Become part of Active+
- Teaching Noah (my son) ball skills on the weekend
- Continue developing physiotherapy skills in private practice, and grow business acumen
- Advance my skills on assessment and treatment of vestibular & oculomotor systems (dizziness and visual instability)
Active+ Pukekohe
Mark Arenhold
Physiotherapist / DirectorAbout
Mark has over 17 years experience working as a musculoskeletal physiotherapist in New Zealand. He completed his masters in musculoskeletal physiotherapy at AUT University. Mark has a strong interest in headache-migraine sufferers. He has learned the advanced approach to assessment and treatment of headaches at the Watson Headache Institute in Sydney. Mark’s other areas of interest include sports physiotherapy, manipulative physiotherapy and western acupuncture. More recently Mark has been exploring further study in the area of concussion injuries.
My Goals
Master of Health Practice in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy (MHPrac)
Bachelor of Health Science in Physiotherapy (BHSc Phys)
Member of New Zealand Society of Physiotherapists (MNZSP)Address
8 Massey Avenue
Hours of practice
Monday 7.00am - 4.00pm
Tuesday 7.00am - 5.00pm
Wednesday 8.00am - 5.00pm
Thursday 7.00am - 6.00pm
Friday 7.00am - 3.00pm
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland