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Active+ Whangarei
Victoria Wigram
Victoria trained as a Physiotherapist at King’s College (London) and graduated in 2000. She spent most of 6 years working as a Physiotherapist in London and UK hospitals gaining a wide variety of experience in Neurological and Musculoskeletal conditions, before moving to New Zealand to chase family roots. Since being in NZ Victoria has worked in musculoskeletal clinics part time and now provides Community Rehabilitation in Orthopaedics, Neurology and Traumatic Brain Injury. Victoria finds that working with someone in their own home and community is such valuable work; to help them discover their physical goals with an enthusiastic but client-centred approach.
Until recently Victoria was also sharemilking with her husband, rearing calves, bringing up 4 young children and a multitude of lambs, ponies, dogs and all that life brings with a busy family. Victoria’s most regular hobby is running with a friend when not attending the children’s many sports.
Royal Veterinary College - MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy
King’s College London - BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy (2:1)Address
8 Kensington Avenue
Hours of practice
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5.00pm Sat - Sun Closed Waitangi Day
The clinic will be closed Thursday 6th and Friday 7th February, re-opening on Monday 10th of February 2025
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland