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Cheryl Hamilton
Rehab Coach


Cheryl has been in the fitness and wellbeing industry for over 30 years.  Her qualifications range from Master Trainer in Fitness, Sports Massage Therapist, Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer Certificate IV and Advanced Yoga Teacher Trainer. (IYTA)

Cheryl enjoys helping people in both pre and post-operative rehabilitation. She uses her skills from her yoga training and experience in the fitness/wellness industry to provide the best outcomes for her clients.

Outside of work, Cheryl is very much like the rest of the team.  She loves the outdoors and is thrilled that her and her husband Dale have moved to such an incredible location in New Plymouth.   If you see her out in the surf, on a golf course or riding to work or just around town make sure you come up and say hello…she loves being a part of a community.

Cheryl Hamilton


Master Trainer in Fitness
Group Fitness Instructor