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Active+ Mt Eden
Stacey Landry
Stacey graduated from AUT in 2019 and started working at Active Plus in 2020. Her physio pracitce is hugely varied which she loves. She hsa interest in treating sports and orthopaedics, cancer rehabilitation, exercise prescription and Pilates. Stacey is also qualified as a PINC certified cancer rehab physiotherapits.
Stacey has represented New Zealand in Water Polo and has a passion for sporting rehabilitation and a unique understanding of the athlete psychology and injury recovery. Stacey runs multiple exercise classes throughout the week in clinic including cario+ pilates, gold classes, mat classes and reformer Pilates.
She loves meeting people, finding their motivation and breaking down the barriers to help them achieve their goals.
Stacey embodies the "active" philosophy, she tries to find a healthy balance in her life with socialising, travel, work and exercise. She loves to get outside whether it be hiking, running or going to the beach.
My Goals
To run a marathon this year!
110 Mount Eden Road
Mount Eden
Hours of practice
Monday - Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 3:30pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland