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- Andrea’s work goal is to be accredited by ACC for provision of OT services under the Concussion Services Contract and to complete some more training in this area.
- On the personal side Andrea wants to ‘get fitter’ and tramp the Milford Track.
Active+ Howick
Andrea Heslin
Occupational TherapistAbout
Andrea is an Occupational Therapist (OT) and sub-contracts to the Howick, Highbrook & Ellerslie branches. She trained as an OT in New Zealand and then spent 23 years working in London, UK. Her experience, both clinical and management, has been varied; working with clients with disabilities in hospital, community, residential, work and day centre settings. Latterly in the UK she worked as a Senior Manager and Consultant for a national charity providing residential care for a variety of groups. She also completed her Health Sciences (Hons) Degree in the UK. On her return to NZ with her family Andrea spent 18 months working with the Stroke Foundation as a Vocational Advisor, enabling people to return successfully to work or education after stroke. Andrea has a particular interest in vocational & cognitive rehabilitation, and recently completed a training course in ‘Cognition & Brain Injury’.
My Goals
Unit 3, 15 Cook St
Hours of practice
Mon - Thu 7:00am - 7:00pm Fri 7:00am - 6:00pm Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland