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Active+ Hāwera
Ly Dia Teh
Physiotherapist, Pilates InstructorAbout
Ly Dia graduated from University of Otago in 2016 with Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Bachelor of Science. She started her career practicing in a private practice in Wellington. She has worked with various sports team over the years, most notably the NZ U21 netball team in 2016. Ly Dia is also a registered physio-acupuncturist, having completed her Post Graduate studies on acupuncture in 2020. She has a special interest in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and enjoys helping patients improve their quality of life.
Ly Dia also see clients for vestibular rehab, concussion, pain management and pilates. If required she can also do it in Mandarin!
Outside of work, Ly Dia enjoys hiking and is excited to explore what New Plymouth has to offer.
50 Victoria Street (inside Central Audiology)
Hours of practice
Mon 8:30am - 3:00pm Tues 10:00am - 5:00pm Wed 9:40am - 3:40pm Fri 9:00am - 3:30pm Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland