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Active+ Silverdale
Anna Sloan
Advanced DietitianAbout
Anna graduated from Otago University in 2000 with a Post Graduate Diploma in Dietetics after completing a Bachelor of Consumer and Applied Sciences.
Since then she has accumulated 20+ years of dietetic knowledge, working across hospitals, community and outpatient settings in both paediatrics and adults. She is Monash-University FODMAP accredited, as well as holding a qualification in Cognitive Behavioural therapy. She holds an endorsed scope of practice from the Dietitians Regulatory Board, meaning she can prescribe subsidised dispensing of vitamins, minerals and related products, as well as ‘Special Foods’ listed in the government subsidised PHARMAC Schedule.
Anna is a guest lecturer and marker for Massey University School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition, and is well-respected nationally for her knowledge and experience in gut health and medical nutrition.
Her passion for helping people understand how to make the changes they need to is combined with a clear understanding of evidence-based nutrition. Anna also has a passion for removing diet-culture jargon to help people get off the guilt-wagon for long term sustainable healthier eating.
Anna is in our Silverdale branch on Fridays, to book an appointment please use the link below:
Anna’s website:
3 Brian Smith Drive
Hours of practice
Mon - Thu 7:30am - 6:30pm Fri 7:30am - 5:00pm Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland