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Prioritising Work-Life Balance

Prioritising Work-Life Balance

Key points

  • Work-life balance is crucial for well-being and professional success.
  • New Zealand ranks first globally in work-life balance according to a 2023 survey.
  • Assess your current work-life balance through a self-assessment process.
  • Reflect on your daily routine, priorities, and physical/mental well-being.
  • Effective time management includes prioritisation, time blocking, delegation, and technology detox.
  • Setting boundaries at work involves defining working hours, respecting personal time, and using time-management tools.
  • Long-term work-life balance requires adaptability, regular self-assessment, and seeking support.
  • Celebrating achievements can motivate you to maintain work-life balance.
  • Active+ offers the Workplace Wellness programme to promote well-being in the workplace.
  • Corporate wellness benefits employers by improving productivity, profitability, and morale.


In the bustling world of business, the seemingly endless pursuit of success often leaves us grappling with a delicate challenge: achieving a sense of work-life balance. Now more than ever, the need to strike the right balance between our professional responsibilities and personal well-being is vital for sustained productivity and overall wellbeing. 

In this article, we’ll look at why work-life balance is so important, how to assess your current state, strategies for effective time management, setting boundaries at work, and achieving long-term harmony. We'll also introduce you to the Active+ Workplace Wellness programme, which can be a helpful compass on the journey for both employers and employees alike.

The importance of work-life balance

Work-life balance isn't just a trendy buzzword; it's the cornerstone of individual well-being and, in many ways, ongoing professional success. In the sometimes frantic modern work culture, turning a blind eye to this balance can result in burnout, decreased productivity, and a host of physical and mental health issues. When considered this way, we realise that achieving work-life harmony is not a luxury – but a necessity.

Encouragingly, New Zealand’s has a positive track record when it comes to achieving work-life balance.  In fact, in a 2023 survey conducted by international employment and hiring company Remote, we beat 59 other countries to rank first in the world¹!

The country received exceptional ratings in various categories, including a substantial annual leave entitlement of 32 days, a notable sick pay coverage of 80 percent, and a universally accessible healthcare system funded by the government.

Assessing your current work-life balance

Before we dive into strategies, it's essential to evaluate your current work-life equilibrium.

Ask yourself: Are you dedicating too much of your life to work and too little to personal well-being, or perhaps you have an abundance of personal time but are grappling with professional fulfilment? To help you navigate this, we'll guide you through a self-assessment process designed to identify your strengths and pinpoint areas where improvements are needed.

Begin by reflecting on your daily routine and habits. Take note of how many hours you spend working, commuting, and engaged in personal activities. How do these activities align with your goals and values?  If you’re spending too much time doing something that doesn’t bring you at least some level of joy, it might be time to look at changing something.

Secondly, take stock of your physical and mental well-being. Are you feeling consistently stressed, fatigued, or overwhelmed? This could be a sign that your work-life balance is out of sync. Identifying these signs is the first step in understanding where you stand in terms of equilibrium.

Strategies for time management

Time management is the lynchpin to achieving and sustaining a balanced life. Here are some practical strategies that can help you reclaim control over your time:

  • Prioritisation: Assess your daily tasks and prioritise them based on their importance and urgency. Focus on high-impact tasks that align with your professional and personal goals.

  • Time blocking: Dedicate specific time blocks to work, personal activities, and relaxation. This structured approach can help you maintain boundaries and increase productivity.

  • Delegate and outsource: Recognise that you don't have to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks at work when possible, and consider outsourcing personal chores to free up your time.
  • Technology detox: Take regular breaks from digital devices and social media to combat information overload and mental fatigue.
  • Learn to say no: Be selective about commitments and obligations. Politely declining tasks that don't align with your priorities can prevent overextending yourself.

Setting boundaries at work:

Maintaining work-life harmony necessitates setting clear boundaries in your professional life. Here are some techniques to establish and maintain these boundaries:

  • Define working hours: Clearly communicate your working hours to your colleagues and superiors. This sets expectations and helps you avoid working excessively long hours.
  • Respect personal time: Make your personal time a non-negotiable aspect of your life. Avoid checking work emails or taking work-related calls during this time.
  • Use time-management tools: Utilise tools such as calendars and to-do lists to manage your work tasks efficiently. This allows you to allocate your work-related activities effectively without impeding personal time.
  • Take regular breaks: Incorporate short breaks into your workday to recharge and avoid burnout.

Achieving long-term work-life balance

Work-life balance is an ongoing journey, not a one-time achievement. Here's how to maintain this balance over the long term:

  • Adaptability: Recognise that life is dynamic, and your needs and priorities may change over time. Be adaptable and open to adjusting your strategies accordingly.
  • Regular self-assessment: Periodically reassess your work-life balance to ensure it's still aligned with your evolving goals and values. Be willing to make necessary changes.
  • Seek support: Don't hesitate to seek advice and support from mentors, colleagues, or professional counsellors if you find it challenging to maintain your balance.
  • Celebrate achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your successes in maintaining work-life balance. Positive reinforcement can motivate you to continue on this journey.

The Active+ Workplace Wellness programme helps facilitate work-life balance

At Active+, we’re committed to promoting physical, mental, and social well-being, not just in personal lives but in work environments as well. Our Workplace Wellness programme, is designed to create healthier, happier, and more productive workplaces.

What is corporate wellness?

Corporate wellness is the proactive effort to maintain the well-being of employees, both physically and mentally. It's about preventing health issues, controlling risks, and adapting work to suit individuals. It encompasses both prevention and rehabilitation.

Why should employers care about corporate wellness?

Healthy employees are more productive, satisfied, and engaged. This, in turn, enhances profitability and productivity. We'll delve into the economic benefits and improved morale that corporate wellness can bring to organisations.

How Active+ can help

We offer a range of services to support your corporate wellness journey:

  • Prevention: Our health and wellness programs enhance employee satisfaction and prevent workplace injuries. We offer education on injury prevention and ergonomic assessments to create a healthier work environment.

  • Rehabilitation: Our goal with rehabilitation services is to limit long-term disability and prevent injury through early intervention. We support employees in their return to work following illness or injury, identifying suitable duties and advising on adjustments.
  • Accommodation: We help employers and employees when a person faces long-term health problems, ensuring that they can continue working with necessary modifications.

Who do we work with?

We collaborate with a variety of clients, including employers, ACC, third-party administrators, and private insurance companies, to create tailored corporate wellness solutions that meet their unique needs.


Achieving work-life harmony is a challenge worth pursuing, not only for your personal well-being but also for your professional success. By assessing your current balance, employing time management strategies, setting boundaries, and embracing long-term balance, you can thrive in both your career and personal life.

And, with Active+’s Workplace Wellness programme, you can embark on this journey with a trusted partner, reaping the benefits of a healthier, more productive workplace. Start your journey towards work-life equilibrium today, and let success and well-being become your daily companions.

¹   New Zealand ranked first in the world for work-life balance in new study (Accessed: October ‘23)

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by Active+ Published

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