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- Say no to the overhead tree carry – sure, it might look heroic, but a mishandled Christmas tree can be a shortcut to shoulder and lower back injuries.
- Enlist a helping hand – Christmas tree decorating is a team sport. If you’re leaning dangerously close to the branches, it might be worth asking someone with a height advantage to help place decorations in those hard-to-reach places.
- Make sure the coast is clear – clear the path of any hazardous objects, and remember, seeking help is not a sign of defeat – it's a sign of wisdom.
Your Guide to a Safe Christmas in 2023
The air is filled with the scent of pine, the twinkling lights are untangled, and the Christmas ham is thawing – it's that magical time of the year! As we dive headfirst into the holiday spirit, it's essential to keep our safety in mind and enjoy the frivolities… without ending up with a list of injuries.
Christmas trees: more than meets the eye
It may come as a surprise, but Christmas trees can be more treacherous than they appear.
Over the past decade, nearly 1200 people found themselves in a tangle with their festive foliage. From muscle strains to ligament tears, these tree-related injuries have cost a staggering $800,000¹.The lesson here? Slow down, assess the risk, and don't let the excitement of the season cloud your judgment.
To avoid becoming a Christmas casualty, here are a few handy hacks to keep in mind:
Avoid a ham-tastrophe
While the Christmas ham is the star of many a festive table, it comes with its own set of risks.
In the past ten years, more than 50 people each December found themselves filing claims for ham-related injuries. Cuts to fingers and thumbs took the lead, but strains and sprains followed closely behind, accounting for 35% of the injuries².Before you embark on a ham-handling adventure, remember this advice from ACC’s injury prevention leader, James Whitaker, who highlights the need to take your time when handling your Christmas ham³.
They may seem harmless in the store, but those bad boys can be surprisingly heavy. If you feel the weight is too much for you to handle alone, ask for help! Also, ensure your kitchen is dry, obstacle-free, and ready for action.When it comes to slicing and dicing your holiday ham, keep it safe. A sharp knife, a stable cutting surface, and a damp tea towel underneath are all tremendously helpful when it comes to playing Santa’s Little Health & Safety Ambassador in the kitchen.
Gift wrapping and light dancing
As you juggle the mountains of gifts and string up those twinkling lights, don't let the holiday chaos get the best of you. Over the past decade, Christmas gifts and lights have contributed their fair share to the injury count – with soft tissue injuries taking center stage.
Whether it's a paper cut from wrapping presents or a tangle with the Christmas lights, a little caution goes a long way. Take your time, don't underestimate the risks, and, most importantly, enjoy the process without rushing through it.
As the festive season approaches, we encourage you to embrace the festive spirit, and remain mindful.
By staying aware of the potential hazards, we can ensure a Christmas that's not only joyful but also injury-free. After all, the only thing we want to unwrap this season is the magic of the holidays, not a trip to the emergency room!
¹ ACC | Don't let a Christmas tree fell you these holidays (Accessed November ‘23)
² Ibid
³ IbidShareby Active+ Published
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland