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- Rehabilitation addresses physical, mental, vocational, and social aspects for recovery.
- Mandated by the Accident Compensation Act 2001, rehabilitation involves acquiring skills for functionality, beyond physical recovery.
- Rehabilitation aims to boost morale, facilitate early return to work, and minimise costs.
- Rehabilitation offers medical, social, and return-to-work support, advocating for early return despite concerns.
- Early return to work has psychological, social, and financial benefits, countering common concerns.
- Maintain communication, flexibility, and access to vocational consultants for tailored plans.
- Rehabilitation is vital for successful return to work and sustained productivity.
- Active+ offers various services to aid rehabilitation journeys.
Understanding the Importance of Rehabilitation
Key points
The role of rehabilitation in the recovery journey
For individuals facing injuries or illnesses, rehabilitation is one of the most important elements of the recovery journey. Rehabilitation encompasses a holistic approach, addressing physical, mental, vocational, and social facets to restore functionality and enhance overall well-being. In this article, we’ll look at why rehabilitation is so important, while shedding light on the role it plays in assisting individuals to return to work and fostering recovery.
What is rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation, as mandated by the Accident Compensation Act 2001, is the process through which individuals reacquire or develop skills necessary for optimal functionality post-injury or illness.
It’s important to note, rehabilitation is more than just physical recovery. It includes mental, vocational, and social aspects, ensuring the journey is well-rounded and responds to the specific needs of the individual. Whether it's regaining mobility after a sports injury or relearning essential job skills after an accident – rehabilitation plays a vital role in rebuilding lives.
What are the objectives of rehabilitation?
The core objectives of rehabilitation revolve around fostering positive employee relations, morale, and self-esteem by enabling early return to work.
By minimising work accident injury costs through proactive intervention and structured return-to-work programs, rehabilitation acts as a catalyst for expedited recovery and sustained productivity.
Moreover, rehabilitation aims to empower individuals, helping them regain independence and reintegrate into society and the workforce seamlessly.
Entitlements and return to work
Rehabilitation entitlements span across medical, social, and return-to-work support, providing a comprehensive framework to aid in the recovery process. While some employers may be hesitate to bring employees back to work before they're fully fit, the benefits of early return often outweigh concerns and a supported return to work programme that allows for functional reactivation at work is highly beneficial.Just as a sportsperson gradually re-integrates into playing sports post-injury, a phased return to work can facilitate adaptation and recovery. Furthermore, providing employees with the necessary support and accommodations during their return-to-work process can significantly enhance their well-being and job satisfaction.
Overcoming misconceptions
Common misconceptions surrounding the return-to-work process often deter employers from facilitating early returns. However, considering the psychological, social, and physical benefits of keeping individuals engaged at work, even in a limited capacity, can significantly aid in their recovery journey.
Employers may fear increased costs or decreased productivity by allowing employees to return before they're fully recovered. However, research shows that early return-to-work programs can actually reduce overall costs and improve employee morale and retention rates. Your Active + Occupational health therapist can suggest flexible options to manage or allay costs, such as funded work trials and supernumery supports.
Our tips for supporting return to work:
Maintaining communication during prolonged absences, responding positively to return-to-work requests, and fostering flexibility are key components of supporting employees in their return-to-work journey. Being receptive to modifications in plans and seeking assistance when needed ensures a smooth transition back into the workforce.
Additionally, providing employees with access to vocational rehabilitation consultants can help develop tailored return-to-work plans that meet both the employee's needs and the employer's expectations.Conclusion
Rehabilitation is not merely a phase in recovery; it's a pivotal component that paves the way for successful return to work and sustained productivity. By embracing the principles of rehabilitation and dispelling common misconceptions, employers can create a supportive environment conducive to employee well-being and organisational success.
Through early intervention, tailored support, and effective communication, employers can help employees navigate their recovery journey with confidence and resilience.
Need support on your (or someone else’s) rehabilitation journey?
Active+ can help! Our highly skilled and qualified team are able to support your rehabilitation journey through a range of services including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, counselling and more. Click here to find your nearest location.
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Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland