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Cancer Rehabilitation
Every day, 63 New Zealanders are diagnosed with cancer. After diagnosis, people often have a clear treatment plan, including surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy. Unfortunately, there can be limited support to assist them in overcoming other challenges they face. Cancer affects an individual’s physical, emotional, and social well-being and their family life. Cancer rehabilitation is not focused on the disease, it is focused on people and helping them to get back to living and functioning optimally.
What is Cancer Rehabilitation?
A Cancer Rehabilitation programme can reduce side effects of the disease and debilitating cancer treatments, and can improve functional ability, quality of life, psychological and emotional wellbeing, and ultimately, survival. Working with a certified cancer rehabilitation physiotherapist and other health disciplines with expertise and training in this area can greatly improve your outcomes and recovery following a cancer diagnosis.
How Active+ can help
We provide support for people following a cancer diagnosis through cancer rehabilitation programmes, the BOOST programme, lymphoedema treatment and group exercise sessions. There is funding available through a variety of charitable services, to find out which funding could apply to you please contact one of our Cancer Rehab physiotherapists below.
Active + will ensure you can maintain and manage your health and wellbeing optimally prior to your Cancer treatment or surgery. Our specialised physiotherapists work alongside our clients to tailor a plan for care right from the outset meaning the client has improved recovery and response to side effects, understands what to expect and reduces uncertainty and anxiety with a trusted provider to give support and advice.
Rehabilitation and support
Every client will have individual health and wellbeing needs that needs a wrap around support network. The Active + team of providers that includes physiotherapists, occupational therapists, psychologists and more, allows us to meet the needs of our clients, whatever they may be. Clients and their whānau goals and needs are assessed and a programme of care is designed with a specific focus on managing pain and side effects, returning to function and activity and supporting resilience and wellbeing with our caring team walking alongside.
Pain and fatigue management
Pain and fatigue are two commonly experienced challenges during and after cancer treatment. We work with you to learn strategies to manage your fatigue, understand your triggers and how to pace and plan activity. Sleep is fundamental to wellbeing and recovery and we look at ways to ensure restful and restorative sleep. Pain can make both movement and rest difficult and causes fear and anxiety for many people experiencing cancer. Our clinicians can help you understand your pain and work with you on ways to manage and relieve pain using a multidisciplinary approach.
Return to work support
Work is an important part of life and one that can be highly disrupted following a cancer diagnosis. Supporting clients back to work in a way that allows them to do so in a graduated and supported way, with strategies in place to manage fatigue and cancer related symptoms ensures success for both the client and the employer.
The Active+ BOOST programme
BOOST is a collaboration between Active+ and PINC & STEEL. It is a service that can be funded privately, or through some insurance companies, depending on your provider and policy. This programme takes a holistic approach to cancer rehabilitation to cover all aspects of returning you to your normal life activities.
Speak to your insurance company to see whether this is something they are a part of and can refer you into. Referrals can be made online by your insurance company case manager here. To find out more information about the BOOST programme click here.
Next steps
Click the button below to enquire about our Cancer Rehab Services:
To find out more about the Active+ Cancer Rehab services and if there is funding that could apply to you, please contact your nearest Cancer Rehabilitation physiotherapist listed below.
Active+ Northland - Victoria Wigram
Active+ Snells Beach - Alyssa Gordon, Emma Todd and Wendy Brown
Active+ Warkworth - Alyssa Gordon and Emma Todd
Active+ Silverdale - Michelle Ferguson and Mikki Blayney
Active+ Albany - Clare Boyce and Jenny Payne
Active+ Mt Eden - Kath Broad, Stacey Landry and Kate Wallis
Active+ Ellerslie - Kate Corbett and Stacey Borich
Active+ Howick - Dominique van Biljon
Active+ Papakura - Amy Burr
Active+ Hamilton Te Rapa - Christine Conning
Active+ New Plymouth - Lauren Fleming
Active+ Palmerston North - Katie O'Neill
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland