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Active+ Ōpunake
About our Practice
About us:
Active+ Taranaki are excited to be moving to Ōpunake and joining the team in the Coastal Care. Deanne, will be coming out Mondays and Thursdays to provide physiotherapy services to the Ōpunake community and tangata whenua.
A little about Deanne:
Deanne is no stranger to small towns, she grew up on a sheep and beef farm out the back of Taihape. Deanne and her husband moved to New Plymouth 4 years ago when they bought Active+ Taranaki. Deanne is just returning from maternity leave after having her second child, and is exciting to be launching this new service. Outside of the clinic you may see her running around the squash courts or out and about with the kids.
Tell me about Active+ Taranaki?
Active+ has been in Taranaki for over 10 years. Our main clinic is on Gill St in New Plymouth and we now have 2 satellite clinics in Hāwera and Ōpunake.
Our team includes Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychology, Rehab Coaches and more. We work across a wide range of disciplines and help people within our clinics and in the community. See our services page to see our full range of services.
Let us Connect You
26 Napier Street
Hours of practice
Monday 9:00am - 4:00pm Thursday 9:00am - 4:00pm Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland