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Active+ Mt Eden
Treatment Prices Price From 1st April 2025 Massage Therapy ACC Intial Assessment (30 minutes) $45 $48 1 hour $110 ACC Follow Up (20 minutes) $35 $38 45 Minutes $85 ACC Follow Up (30 minutes) $40 $45 30 Minutes $70 Private Initial Appointment (30 minutes) $87 $90 Pre-pay for 5 massage sessions and recieve 20% discount Private Follow Up (20 minutes) $67 $70 Private Follow Up (30 minutes) $87 $90 One-on-one Pilates (30 minutes)
$87 $90 Lymphoedema
Lymphoedema Assessment (60 minutes)
Lymphoedema Follow Up (45 minutes)
Lymphoedema Follow Up (30 minutes)
Cancer Rehabilitataion Assessment Stacey or Kate(60 minutes)
$160 unchanged Cancer Rehabilitation Follow Up (30 minutes) $75 $82 Class Prices Mat Pilates Class (1 hour) $20 $25 Mat Pilates Concession Card (10 classes) $180 $200 Reformer Pilates Class Casual - only if space available (30 minutes) $20 $25 Reformer Pilates Six-Week Block (consecutive) $110 $115 Small Group Pilates Class (1 hour) $50 unchanged Small Group Pilates Concession Card (8 classes) $350 unchanged Cardio Pilates (10 week block) $150 $180 Cardio Class / Running Strength and Conditioning (casual - only if space available) $20 $25 Active Gold Class $15 unchanged Active Gold Concession Card (10 Classes) $100 $115 Active Gold+ class $20 $25 Active Gold+ Concession Card (10 Classes) $150 $170 Let us Connect You
110 Mount Eden Road
Mount Eden
Hours of practice
Monday - Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 3:30pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland