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Active+ Mt Eden
About our Practice
Welcome to Active+ Mt Eden and Auckland Lymph and Rehabilitation
Located at the corner of Normanby Rd and Mt Eden Rd, our friendly and professional team provides great support to your rehabilitation journey.
Book online now to see a physiotherapist. We are open on Saturday mornings.
Auckland Lymph and Rehabilitation
Whether you have lymphoedema or are just pro-active in wanting to detect early changes, we can help.
4 experienced lymphoedema trained physiotherapists and a state of the art Sozo machine mean we can monitor, detect and treat lymphoedema in the most clinically effective way.
You can either self-refer or ask your health care provider. Appointments can be made at any time on the treatment journey – from pre to post-surgery to even years after oncology treatment is complete. It is never too early or too late
Massage Therapist available for appointments - Book Massage
We are here to help - to make an appointment book online, call 09 623 0441 or email us.
Let us Connect You
110 Mount Eden Road
Mount Eden
Hours of practice
Monday - Thursday 7am - 7pm
Friday 7am - 3:30pm
Saturday 8am - 12pm
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland