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Active+ Bay Roskill
About our Practice
Active+ Bay Roskill has had a long association with the communities of Mt Roskill and Blockhouse Bay. The practice began its life in the early 1980’s under Mark Laslett, a well known New Zealand Physiotherapist. Zel Wilson took ownership of the clinic after working in the practice since 2014. Our experienced Physiotherapists believe in a professional, friendly and holistic approach to clients rehabilitation. We offer pilates classes and private sessions in our pilates studio. We are situated in Mt Roskill nearby Lynfield College, and conveniently close to Lynfield, Blockhouse Bay, New Windsor, New Lynn and Avondale. Easy parking on the roads nearby.
Service Charges
ACC Initial Appointment $30 ACC Follow Up Appointment $25 ACC Follow Up Extended Appointment $36 Private Initial Appointment $75 Private Follow Up Appointment $55 Private Follow Up Extended Appointment $65 Pilates Class - Casual $16 Pilates Class - 10 Session Concession $150 Pilates Individual - 60 mins $100 Pilates Individual - 30 mins $50 Group Exercise Class - Casual $16 Group Exercise Class 10 Session Concession $150 Failed Attendance $52 Payment required at the completion of each appointment Let us Connect You
211 White Swan Rd
Mt Roskill
Hours of practice
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 6:00pm Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland