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- Physio Clinic Locations
Keeping your body & mind A+ View mapBOOK NOWOnline Shop
- Mt Eden
- Ellerslie
- Clinical Suite Balmoral
- Auckland Central
East Auckland
Highbrook East Tamaki- Howick
South Auckland
Airport Oaks- Papakura - Counties Care
- Pukekohe
- Taupo
- Turangi
- Rotorua
Hāwera- New Plymouth
- Taranaki Paediatrics
- Ōpunake
Manawatu - Whanganui
Feilding- Marton
- Palmerston North
- Whanganui
Auckland Central
Bay RoskillWaikato
Hamilton - Te Rapa - Blog
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Active+ Auckland Central
About our Practice
Our community team includes a wide range of professionals, including Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Rehab Coaches. Our experienced team allows us to provide comprehensive services, from managing ACC injuries to addressing concussion, facilitating return to work, managing chronic pain and assisting with housing modifications and rehab equipment requirements.
Let us Connect You
2 Selbourne Street
Grey Lynn
Hours of practice
Mon-Fri 8.30am- 5pm
Sat-Sun Closed
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland