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Hāwera- New Plymouth
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Our Management Team
Mike Bignall: CEO
Mike is the Chief Executive Officer and is responsible for oversight of the overall performance of Active+. This includes strategic planning, financial performance, business development and the Active+ Franchise network. Mike has extensive sector experience, having held a number of senior management roles within ACC. He has also worked for PHARMAC, the Ministry for Primary Industries and held various roles with the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. Mike currently serves on the National Rehabilitation Providers Group Executive.
Erin Holland: Head of Partnerships
Erin is Head of Partnerships, responsible for our provider network, funders and new business. Erin has over 20 years of management experience and over 25 years of experience as a physiotherapist where she specialised in musculoskeletal injuries, workplace health and persistent pain. She previously owned Active+ franchise clinics and served as a Franchise Advisor. Erin has also held various senior clinical and management roles for Active+.
Dr Kris Fernando: Head of Service Delivery, Mental Health
Kris is Head of Service Delivery for our Mental Health portfolio, responsible for overseeing the team managing services and contracts, including psychology, sensitive claims, behavioural support services and clinical services. She has over 20 years of experience as a clinical psychologist with expertise in neuropsychology. She has 12 years of management experience through her previous roles in ACC as Manager of Mental Health Services and Clinical Partnerships. Kris currently serves on several professional boards including Kenzie’s gift and the National Rehabilitation Providers Group Executive.
Dr Pauline Penny: Head of Service Delivery, Multidisciplinary Community Rehabilitation
Pauline is Head of Service Delivery for our Multidisciplinary Community Rehabilitation portfolio, responsible for the team managing services and contracts, including training for independence, pain management, concussion and cancer rehabilitation. She has significant experience in executive leadership and management roles across the health sector. Pauline is a physiotherapist with a PhD in collaborative teamwork in community rehabilitation.
Mike Davis: Head of Service Delivery, Physical Musculoskeletal
Mike is Head of Service Delivery for our Physical Musculoskeletal portfolio, leading the team managing services and contracts, including Vocational Rehabilitation, Integrated Care Pathway, Assessment Services and Home and Community Services. A physiotherapist with over 15 years’ experience in musculoskeletal rehabilitation across New Zealand and Australia, he specialises in pre and post-operative care, spinal rehabilitation and vocational support. He has owned and operated a physiotherapy practice within the Bay of Plenty and delivered services for Active+.
Monique Vosslamber: Head of Organisational Services and Systems
Monique is Head of Organisational Services and Systems, responsible for the provision of support services such as finance, HR, IT, property and staff development, including the management of external service providers. She is a registered nurse with a background in public health. Monique has over 10 years of leadership and managerial experience through her previous roles at Southern Cross Workplace Health and MedPro Healthcare.
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland